June 27, 2018
HydroFlow Explained

What is HydroFlow?
Cenozon’s HydroFlow Module is an app that monitors abnormal water flow events in Alberta and British Columbia. It assists upstream pipeline operators and pipeline integrity management teams to identify and proactively manage hazards resulting from river erosion and/or abnormal stream flow conditions.
Automation and Confidence
The program automatically integrates with Cenozon’s existing Pipeline Integrity Risk Manager (PIRM) application and third party databases. Flow conditions are updated in real-time and compared to user-defined thresholds for flow levels.

Set Your Own Thresholds
The software enables you to define thresholds or tolerance of flow level and water depths per guage, which significantly reduces time spent reviewing conditions. If conditions exceed the specified acceptable range, users will receive an automatic email notification; enabling operators, integrity and safety teams to quickly assess the situation and dispatch required resources.
Visualize and Understand Your Risk
The HydroFlow Module has a user-friendly interface with online maps with flow gauge and asset details and real-time data capture. HydroFlow enhances the data visualization of pipeline water crosses and flow guage assests – all in one place. Users can quickly and easily review historical trends and current conditions to assess if further action is required. Should an incident occur, the system provides accurate records for regulatory and compliance requirements.