
Driven by customers’ needs, relentless innovation and exceptional service, Cenozon brings you a full suite of robust, trusted and intuitive pipeline software solutions designed to empower your teams and accelerate your growth.

Pipeline Integrity

Make better decisions and save time and money with pipeline risk management software that automates and processes scores of data in seconds.


Our leading pipeline measurement software puts your data to work with calibration, analysis, schematics, chart reading and more.

Updates & Resources


SOC 2 for Cloud Service Providers: Challenges and Best Practices 

The origins of SOC 2 can be traced back to the early 1970s when the AICPA released the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS). This standard …


The CAMSC Certification for Diverse Suppliers

In today’s competitive corporate environment, diversity and inclusion are not buzzwords; they are critical components of a strong economy. The Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier …


Employee Spotlight: How Lin Guo is Inspiring Data Science Excellence

We’re excited to feature Lin Guo, our talented and warm-hearted data scientist. Starting as an intern while studying at UCalgary, Lin has grown into a …